Theoretical Computer Science download
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9780306474002 Computability And Models Cooper, Barry S Springer 2002 139.99
9783540690887 Membrane Computing Hoogeboom, H.J., Paun, G., Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A. (Eds.Hoogeboom, H.J., Paun, G., Rozenberg, G., Salomaa, A. (Eds. Springer 2006 99.98
9788184898019 Concise Introduction To Languages And Machines (Undergraduate Topics In Computer Science) Parkes Alan P. Springer India 2011 RS. 695.00
9783540283201 Advances In Natural Computation: First International Conference, Icnc 2005, Changsha, China, August 27-29, 2005, Proceedingspart Iii Lipo Wang, Ke Chen, Yew Soon Ong Springer 2005 115.00
9783540459019 Advances In Natural Computation: Second International Conference, Icnc 2006, Xi'An, China, September 24-28, 2006: Proceedings Lipo Wang, Feng Wu, Li-Cheng Jiao Springer 2006 149.99
9783540459071 Advances In Natural Computation: Second International Conference, Icnc 2006, Xi'An, China, September 24-28, 2006: Proceedings Lipo Wang, Feng Wu, Li-Cheng Jiao Springer 2006 149.99
9783540723820 Advances In Neural Networks - Isnn 2007: 4Th International Symposium On Neutral Networks, Isnn 2007 Nanjing, China, June 3-7, 2007, Proceedings Derong Liu, Changyin Sun, Huaguang Zhang Springer 2007 159.99
9783540723929 Advances In Neural Networks - Isnn 2007: 4Th International Symposium On Neutral Networks, Isnn 2007 Nanjing, China, June 3-7, 2007, Proceedings Derong Liu, Changyin Sun, Huaguang Zhang Springer 2007 159.99
9783540877332 Advances In Neural Networks--Isnn 2008: 5Th International Symposium On Neural Networks, Isnn 2008 Beijing, China, September 24-28, 2008 Proceedings, Part Ii Fuchun Sun Springer 2008 119.98
9783642134944 Advances In Swarm Intelligence Tan, Kay Chen Springer 2010 129.99
9783540680819 Advances In Grid And Pervasive Computing: Third International Conference, Gpc 2008, Kunming, China, May 25-28, 2008. Proceedings Laurence T. Yang, Song Wu, Tony Li Xu Springer 2008 99.98
9783540223399 Algorithm Theory-Swat 2004: 9Th Scandinavian Workshop On Algorithm Theory, Humlebaek, Denmark, July 8-10, 2004, Proceedings Torben Hagerup, Jyrki Katajainen, Scandinavian Workshop On Algorithm Theor Springer 2004 99.98
9783540728689 Algorithmic Aspects In Information And Management: Third International Conference, Aaim 2007 Portland, Or, Usa, June 6-8, 2007 Proceedings Ming-Yang Kao, Xiang-Yang Li Springer 2007 86.98
9783642131189 Algorithms And Architectures For Parallel Processing Yeo, S.-S.; Park, J.H.; Yang, L.T.; Hsu, C.-H Springer 2010 104.98
9783540959946 Algorithms And Models For The Web-Graph: 6Th International Workshop, Waw 2009 Barcelona, Spain, February 12-13, 2009 Proceedings Konstantin Avrachenkov, Debora Donato, Nelly Litvak Springer 2009 69.99
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9783540375951 Haptic And Audio Interaction Design: First International Workshop, Haid 2006, Glasgow, Uk, August 31 - September 1, 2006, Proceedings Mcgookin, David, Brewster, Stephen (Eds.) Springer 2006 69.98
9783540450269 Formal Modeling And Analysis Of Timed Systems: 4Th International Conference, Formats 2006, Paris, France, September 25-27, 2006: Proceedings Asarin, Eugene, Bouyer, Patricia (Eds.) Springer 2006 74.98
9788181287502 Foundations Of Genetic Programming Langdon William B. Et.Al Springer India 2002 Rs 495.00
9783540395911 Groupware: Design, Implementation, And Use: 12Th International Workshop, Criwg 2006, Medina Del Campo, Spain, September 17-21, 2006: Proceedings Ilze Zigurs, Yannis A. Dimitriadis, Eduardo Gomez-Sanchez Springer 2006 89.98
9780387952178 Digital Typography Using Latex Syropoulos, Apostolos, Tsolomitis, Antonis, Sofroniou, Nick Springer 2003 129.99
9788184893694 Evolutionary Algorithms For Solving Multi-Objective Problems, 2Nd Edition Coello Coello Carlos A. Et.Al Springer India 2014 RS. 1495.00
9788184895032 Finite Model Theory And Its Applications Gradel Et.Al Springer India 2010 Rs 795.00
9788184896053 Theoretical Computer Science Hromkovic Juraj Springer India 2010 RS. 595.00
9788184897524 Sets, Logic And Maths For Computing Makinson David Springer India 2011 RS. 645.00
9783540730934 Petri Nets And Other Models Of Concurrency - Icatpn 2007: 28Th International Conference On Applications And Theory Of Petri Nets And Other Models Of Concurrency, Icatpn 2007, Siedlce, Poland, June 25-29, 2007, Proceedings Kleijn, Jetty, Yakovlev, Alex (Eds.) Springer 2007 99.98

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